“Petite Waltz” by Kathryn Louderback

I want to share some new music with you this week! Petite Waltz is an original piano solo composed by yours truly. Check it out:

This piece was seriously fun to write. I composed the first minute and a half four years ago, but I set it aside to finish later. However, I never forgot about it – I was just waiting for the right time to pull it back out. And last week I decided to do just that.

Passionate Waltz by Ferdinand Von Reznicek
Passionate Waltz by Ferdinand Von Reznicek

So, while composing I was a little stuck with the ending. I wanted to return to the waltz idea, but I wasn’t sure what to write. But the inspiration struck, and here’s how I overcame this dilemma: the return of the waltz theme (minute 2:36-3:34) is the retrograde of the minor section in the first half  (minute 0:39-1:21). A retrograde is a musical line played backwards. I’ll admit it’s not a true retrograde – I made a few note changes here and there for a better sound. 🙂

Petite Waltz took less than a morning to compose, and I had so much fun that I decided to record it that day as well. I posted this recording on SoundCloud:

Thanks for reading, and check out some of my other compositions here and here. What inspires you to be creative?

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I'm a pianist, composer, writer, photographer, and overall classical-music-lover who is always open to new sounds.

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