I’m excited to present to you my latest composition: Three Images Book 1 for solo piano. The work consists of three parts, each telling a unique (yet progressive) story. Each movement was created out of an impromptu piano improvisation, where the main elements and themes were then developed and expanded into a full piece of music.
Image I. The Willow Tree
The Willow Tree is a somber piece (which is why it reminded me of that beautiful tree). It opens with a low bass theme in G minor that is joined by repeated chords in the accompaniment, and throughout the course of the movement, the tension quickly builds through changes in harmony and register. But the dramatic outburst is sudden, and the music returns almost immediately to the sad calm of the beginning.
Image II. Ocean Waves
Ocean Waves takes the ideas presented in The Willow Tree and changes them into something new. Their opening themes are similar (bass melody with repeated chords in the right hand), but in Ocean Waves, eventually the chords change and the melody expands before the build-up. Listen for the rolling waves represented in arpeggios and in the low bass chords starting at 1:33.
Then at 2:13 there is a new idea: the chords from earlier change in a more minimalistic way through slight harmonic variations before returning to the main theme. This is foreshadowing the next movement!
Image III. Sunrise
Sunrise is the pinnacle work of Three Images Book 1. It begins with the minimalistic chord theme seen at the end of Ocean Waves, and the work slowly introduces the other ideas (over some more arpeggios) through the rest of the movement. The themes used in the section starting at 1:52 are taken from The Willow Tree and Ocean Waves – just this time they are major instead of minor! These two themes are also expanded, shifted, and developed over a gradual increase of energy until finally fading away.
Music Vlog
I hope you enjoy Three Images Book 1! My next music vlog is going to be a little background on Three Images. I’m going to discuss how the piece was created in more detail, show behind the scenes from recording the videos, and more.
What else about Three Images would you like me to talk about? Let me know in the comments and I’ll discuss it in the vlog!
Free Downloads
Sheet Music
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Nice use of subtle changes to add quiet intensity and colour to the work. The harmonies sound Romantic in derivation. Do you have much 20th C. background in your studies and/or performing?
Thank you so much. While I haven’t played much 20th c. music, I love listening to and studying it. It’s my favorite time period of music for sure.