Hi friends! Today I am thrilled to share with you my newest album of original compositions: Voices.
This groundwork for this album came from a concert I gave back in April of 2019. I wrote many new original pieces for the concert, so I decided to record and share some of them in album form. Check out the live recordings from that concert here.
Voices Tracks
Voices has 7 individual tracks: February (Coffee Shop
About the Name
The name for the album came, first and foremost, from the piano sonata Voices. Each movement of the sonata is based on a theme written by a classical female composer. The themes are played, expanded, pulled apart, and combined with my own compositional ideas to create an energetic and dynamic work. I specifically picked composers who were oppressed as composers because of their genders during their lifetime, and I named the sonata Voices because I added my musical voice to theirs to tell a story.
Then as I was compiling compositions for the album, I realized something. The piano sonata is based on themes written by other composers. But so is February – Eric Satie’s Gymnopedie No. 1, anyone? – and Heartbeat 2.0 – my own composition created a just over a year ago. So each track on the album explores the stories of past compositions. Each track shares a new (and old) voice.
Streaming and Downloading
Voices is available for streaming and downloading on all major music services (except for Apple, sorry 🙁 ) including (but not limited to) the following:
Amazon Music
Google Play


I really hope you enjoy Voices. This album is special to me, as it shows my own musical voice in conjunction with the great composers of the past. Leave a comment and let me know which track is your favorite!
Molto bella questa composizione, anzi fantastica. Le chiedo il permesso di poterla postare sul mio blog wordpress.com account. Grazie e complimenti per le sue composizioni ed il suo blog.
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