Luna: New Composition

I’m so excited to share with you my latest composition, Luna! A lullaby of sorts, I wrote this piece for my twins while I was pregnant with them.

Luna explores the beautiful combination of melody with minimalism. The alternating third interval motif heard from 0:07-0:15 drives the music forward, creating a sense of stability underneath the layers of texture and harmony. The main theme is reminiscent of folk melodies, painting a lyrical song over the minimalist accompaniment.

In the orchestrated version, I experimented with various layers and sounds to create depth.

Luna inspired many more compositions that are coming in the next few months. I love being able to tell a story through my music! Which version of Luna do you like best? What story does the piece tell you?

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I'm a pianist, composer, writer, photographer, and overall classical-music-lover who is always open to new sounds.

4 thoughts on “Luna: New Composition

  1. Hi Kathryn

    Firstly, congratulations on your twins! As someone who’s helped see his own identical girls through their first 10 (soon to be 11) years, I can tell you that the exhaustion and feelings of being overwhelmed will lessen, and that there are plenty of fun times ahead once the pandemic is over…

    Secondly, I very much appreciate how you subtly develop your material in your new piece – there’s a strong sense in it of going on a journey. I also think the orchestral shadings really help to accentuate the virtues of the piano score, giving a much more palpable sense of mystery to the ending, in particular

    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you for the comment, Chris! I look forward to when we are less exhausted with our twins 😆

      And I’m so glad you like the piece! Thank you for your comments; I love reading about how others interpret my music.

  2. I love Luna, and I want to be able to play it. Where can I get the sheet music? I received you ebook and found it very helpful.

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