These last few months have been a little crazy and stressful. Okay, a lot crazy and stressful. I decided to take a little break today and listen to some music that I like, so I thought I’d share some of those pieces with you.
Prelude in B minor by Rachmaninoff
First up: Prelude in B minor by Rachmaninoff (1873-1943). Also known as “The Bells”, this prelude is one of 13 (op. 32, composed in 1910) and was inspired by Arnold Böcklin’s painting “Die Heimkehr” (The Return” or “The Homecoming”, pictured below).

Become Ocean by John Luther Adams
Remember Become Ocean? Check out my post on it here.
La cathédral engloutie by Debussy
I have to admit I kind of adore Debussy. La cathédral engloutie (“The Sunken Cathedral”) is characteristic of the French composer regarding its form, harmony, and style. Read here for more information about the piece, including the legend it’s based on. (It was also composed in 1910, the same year Rachmaninoff composed his Op. 32.)
Piano Concerto in F sharp minor by Scriabin
The last piece on this list (for now) is one we also discussed in an earlier post: Scriabin’s Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, op. 20.
What are your favorite pieces to listen to when you need a break?
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