3 Secrets to Successful Improvisation

To some musicians, the word improvisation can be downright scary. The idea of creating music spur-of-the-moment is intimating, especially if you don’t know how to start. But improv doesn’t have to be scary! Here are 3 secrets to successful improvisation, whether you’re new to the improv block or not.

1. Start with something you know.

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When I took chemistry back in high school, my teacher had a motto: “Always start with what you know.” Of course she was referring to stoichiometry and balancing chemical equations, but the principle applies in improvisation just as much as science.

In other words: if you want to get into improv but don’t know where to start, pick something you know and go from there. Create new music from material you’re already familiar with. This could be a simple chord progression or a rhythm. It could be a snippet from a theme you like. A certain key signature. Anything!

Play what you know and then use that as a basis to explore and improvise.

This could mean slightly changing the chord progression, building on or expanding the rhythm, or changing the theme. Re-imagine what you know into something new. By starting with what you know, you have the building blocks to create new sounds in real-time.

2. Experiment with one new element at a time.

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Improvisation can get overwhelming because of the endless possibilities. So instead of freaking yourself out over all of the different options, experiment with one new idea at a time.

For example: play around with the chord structure. Explore all of the possibilities with the harmonic building blocks you have. Change a note and see how it affects the mood, or add a note to create a warmer sound. Then switch rhythms. Explore what it would sound like with a long-short rhythm, or change the basic rhythmic structure from 8th notes to half notes.

By exploring just one musical element at a time (and avoiding getting overwhelmed and scared), you are setting yourself up for improv success.

3. Don’t stop.

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Like all things in life, improvisation takes practice. So even if you feel like you “messed up”, keep going! The trick to successful improv is to welcome all sounds, whether they’re beautiful, ugly, dissonant, or strange. Improviation is a living, breathing creation that takes shape as you do it! There are no limits. There is no right or wrong. So don’t stop. In the words of Walt Disney:

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Bonus tip: When you stumble across something that you like during improvisation, explore it.

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When improvising, you might accidentally come across a particular sound or atmosphere that you really like. When that happens, stay in the moment! Explore all of the possibilities of that particular sound; you never know what will inspire future music-making.

Improvisation can be scary, but it doesn't have to be! Here are 3 secrets to successful improvisation, whether you're new to the improv block or not.

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I'm a pianist, composer, writer, photographer, and overall classical-music-lover who is always open to new sounds.

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